EPEE Webinar “A five-step approach to deliver sustainable cooling” - Count on Cooling
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EPEE Webinar “A five-step approach to deliver sustainable cooling”
The European Partnership for Energy and the Environment (EPEE), the voice of the cooling industry in Europe, has published a white paper “Count on Cooling: A five-step approach to deliver sustainable cooling”.
As the climate is warming, the demand for cooling is expected to grow significantly in the coming decades triggered by global trends such as increasing urbanisation, digitalisation, etc. While cooling delivers substantial benefits to society in many respects, the growth in the use of cooling could lead to increased energy consumption and place significant burden on the electricity grid if no appropriate actions are taken.
EPEE’s White Paper introduces a 5-step approach to deliver sustainable cooling, describing risks and opportunities and providing examples of how the EU policy framework has already taken steps forward with an analysis of the remaining challenge. EPEE members are committed to provide and promote sustainable cooling solutions that are fit for the future, demonstrating the industry’s value by providing significant benefits to society while contributing to carbon neutrality and helping the EU to achieve its climate and energy goals.
EPEE invited stakeholders to a webinar during which:
Dan Hamza-Goodacre, Executive Director of K-CEP (Kigali Cooling Efficiency Program) presented The Cooling Imperative study from The Economist Intelligence Unit,
Andrea Voigt, EPEE Director General, presented the five-step approach to sustainable cooling,
Ray Gluckman, Founder of Gluckman Consulting provided an update on the refrigerant and energy modelling in Europe,
The presentations were followed by a Q&A session with the audience.
The Webinar “A five-step approach to deliver sustainable cooling” was held on 8 January 9.30-10.30
Event Details
- Date: 08/01/2020
- Time: 9 h 30 min - 10 h 30 min
- Event Category: Past events
- Name: EPEE
- Phone: +32 (0) 2 713 07 36
- Email: secretariat@epeeglobal.org